Saturday, September 27, 2008

Online Internet Dating Is the Best and Easiest Way to Find a Perfect Soulmate

In the past time it was quite difficult to find the person whom you desired. But now time has been changed and there are so many ways to find a desired friend, love or life partner. Online internet dating is the most effective way to find your dream men and women. Through online dating services you can know the nature or behavior of many people in a single day.

Six months ago an old school friend and I were chatting over coffee, putting the world to rights as women do. She was bemoaning her lack of success in meeting the “right sort” of men. I asked her if she had tried using an internet dating service, and the look of awfulness that quickly appeared on her face gave the instant answer – of course not! Internet dating, she informed me, was for the sad, desperate, geeky or freaky.

Sadly this type of response is characteristic of people from all walks of life. Why sadly? because those who immediately send away such services are missing out on a great opportunity.

The traditional argument for not using the internet to meet someone is that it is not natural. So what is natural? Where have people usually met their husbands, wives, lovers, and friends? Statistically, over the past 50 years the most general place for meeting ones spouse has been the workplace.

This is almost not surprising given the ever growing amounts of time most people are finding themselves working. Other common meeting places include bars, nightclubs, and parties, and some lucky few meet their lifetime partner early in life at college or university. However, the workplace remains number one for long term relationships. The reason for this is simple; lasting long term relationships are usually born out of vigorous friendships, and strong friendships form over time. Spend eight hours a day five days a week with the same people and you will get to know them very well. It is not uncommon in the modern world to spend more time with your age group than with your family, an unfortunate but true fact of life.

The increasing amounts of time we as a society are spending working is leaving less time to spend in social environments outside of the office, which means less opportunity to meet new people. So if you don’t meet someone at work, where else is there? Enter the dating agency.

Dating agencies are not a new idea; they have been around a very long time. The internet has simply served as a new medium for bringing people together in a tried and experienced way that agencies have used for years. However, it offers some unique advantages for those hunting for a partner. Firstly it has lowered the cost of running a dating service, and that means agency dating has been opened up to a much wider spectators. Secondly, it has broken down environmental fences in a way that off-line agencies could never hope to. This is an important point because not everyone is looking for their future husband or wife on their entrance. In fact not everyone is looking for a future husband or wife; the explosion in internet dating has made it easier than ever to find new friends and correspondents across the globe.

These two points mean that some of the bigger agency sites now have in excess of three million members, and literally thousands of new members joining every day. With that many people, if you are serious about finding a partner, lover, or a friend, then the internet is simply too big a resource to ignore. And ‘net dating is safe too; there is no need to exchange real names or even email addresses until you feel you know someone well enough. All the services allow you to block unwanted communication and so there is no fear of being pestered. Used sensibly, internet dating can be safer than almost any other way of meeting people.

The internet has revolutionized the way we work, shop, conduct our financial dealings, and entertain ourselves. To use it as a medium for meeting new people is a rational step in our fast changing world.

After that chat six months ago I encouraged my friend to post a profile on a dating site, she didn’t even have to pay anything to do so unless she wanted to start sending messages to other people. Now I never see her because she is spending all of her time with her new man. She didn’t find him in five minutes like some of the sales pitches would like you to believe, but then six months ago she didn’t anticipate to find him at all.

Looking for a Dating Service?

There are so many dating sites out there, hundreds if not thousands, how do you even begin to decide where to register and start your online dating experience?

You could just pick one at random, create a profile, and sit back and wait for the other members to beat a path to your email inbox. Who knows, you could get lucky and it might work out first time. But even a tiny bit of investigation beforehand could save a lot of time and frustration!

The trick is to be prepared. You probably wouldn’t go off to buy a new car and start by trawling around dealerships at random, you would already have an idea as to what sort of car you want – how big, how fast, how much money you had to spend, and so forth. Based on these criteria you would have a good idea of which car showrooms to visit to find the right sort of vehicle for your particular needs. So the first question to ask yourself, is what do you want out of a dating site? Sounds obvious – a date! But what sort of date? Are you looking for a serious relationship possibly leading to marriage? Or are you after a casual partner and you’ll see where it leads? Or perhaps you just want some uncomplicated fun. The good news is that among the myriad of services out there on the web, there is something to cater for every requirement. Some sites will suit all tastes, but there are many that specialise, and the more specific you are about what you want, the better your chances of finding it.

Before looking at the sites on offer, think about how you will write your personal profile. Jot down a paragraph or two about yourself, your interests, and your hopes for a partner. Then write a few words about what you are looking for in a potential dating match. Doing this offline will help you structure in your own mind what sort of date you are looking for, and then when you go and look at some dating sites, you’ll easily be able to pick out those that offer the best chance of providing what you want. The added benefit of course is that when it comes to filling in your profile online, you will be prepared and wont be sat in front of your screen lost for words. Instead your profile will read in a very natural and honest way.

I would always recommend choosing at least two sites to register with and put your profile on, after all, they are almost all free to start with – you only need decide if you want to pay when and if someone of interest turns up and you want to make contact.

Websites like The Dating WebReview can also save you time. The reviews will quickly give you an idea about the services each dating site offers, and whether they specialise.

Choosing an internet dating site isn’t difficult. In the end it comes down to finding one that you enjoy using. After all, if it appeals to your taste, then you already have something in common with the other members.

Approaching Women - Improve Your Phone and Text Game in One Easy Step

Once upon a time, there was a guy. Let's call him Dan. He worked for a major courier company, delivering parcels on the same route just about every day.

There was one particular business on his route where a particularly attractive receptionist worked. Let's call her Maryanne. She had been on the job for a few weeks, and our hero had gradually turned up the banter each time he had seen her there.

It was only occasionally that this particular business received parcels, so he knew he had to make the most of every opportunity when he saw her.

Finally, one glorious day, Dan gathered up his nerve and asked Maryanne for her phone number.

She immediately and noticeably brightened up, and eagerly scribbled her number on the back of a business card. She handed it to Dan with a smile, and said..."Yes! Call me!"

After the customary three days had passed, courier-dude texted her one bright morning. "Hey there, Maryanne. It's Dan. What's up?"

Dan waited. But there was no answer. When evening had come, and he couldn't take it anymore, he fired off another text. "Hey Maryanne. I'm sure you're busy, but get back to me when you get a chance."

But there was still no answer. Only crickets chirping and pins dropping.

As fortune would have it, Dan had a package the next day that required delivery where Maryanne worked.

Nervously, he walked in the door. As soon as he made eye contact with Maryanne, she looked away immediately. Obviously sensing the awkwardness of the situation, neither said a word to each other as Dan dropped off the package.

About an hour after leaving, Dan couldn't get Maryanne off his mind. This time, he texted her the following message: "OK, Maryanne, what's wrong? Did I upset you somehow?"

You guessed answer.

Having pretty much lost all hope of dating Maryanne, Dan's emotional state turned to anger and resentment toward her. "How come there aren't any pretty women out there who don't play games? And how come they are all so flighty and immature?"

Two days later, Dan had another package to be delivered where Maryanne worked. When he walked in, Maryanne once again avoided eye contact with renewed awkwardness.

But Dan's frustration got the best of him. "OK, look", Dan said, "I texted you a whole bunch of times, and I can't believe you've completely ignored me! Where do you get off flirting with guys and looking all happy when they ask you for your phone number, when all you're going to do is mess with their heads!?"

The answer Dan received was as terse as they come.

Maryanne had given Dan her home phone number...which was a land line, of course.

Tips on How to Get a Girl to Like You Today

Let's face it - getting the girl of your dreams to actually give you the time of day can be harder than running with the bulls in Spain - but sometimes just as painful!

But once you have found a woman that you can just not forget about, it's time to start a campaign to not only get her to notice you but also to give you the time of day. Figuring out how to get a girl to like you doesn't have to be as hard to master as biophysics and can be done far more quickly!

First, you need to have a ground work to build a relationship with this woman. If she doesn't know you very well, you'll need to make an impression on her - a good and positive impression.
Find common ground or hang out with her outside of a dating kind of setting. Let her really get to know the real you and you'll be well on your way to setting a date.

Next, flirt like crazy - but in a very genuine way. This isn't the time for cheesy clichés or insincere compliments. Only pay her a compliment if it's sincerely meant and not over the top.

And once you have made the compliment, move on and simply let it stand. She'll appreciate your appreciation and won't become embarrassed because you're making a big deal out of her. When flirting, avoid making comments that are double entendres. Instead, simply let her know that all of your attention is on her and she is the most fascinating creature around.

Going forward, you'll need to show her that you are seriously interested in her. One way to indicate interest is to gently touch her when you're spending time together. Reach out to touch her arm or sleeve to emphasize a point. Put an arm around her back when walking together. Gently touch her knee while watching an event together. All of these actions show your interest as well as your romantic side.

To further show how romantic you are, do silly things like placing a flower in her hair or giving her a simple present "just because" that reminds you specifically of her. Learn what she loves and work that into the conversation or what plans you make when hanging out. This is both sweet and romantic and shows that you are well on your way to learning how to get a girl to like you.

Finally, once you've laid all of the groundwork, it's time to seal the deal. Laying the groundwork can sometimes take only a short amount of time, especially if you already know each other well. On the other hand, if you are new acquaintances, it can take a bit of time.

But when the time is right and your relationship is getting closer, it's time to ask her out. Learning how to get a girl to like you is as simple as mixing your genuine personality with a bit of patience and then reaping the results!

What to Do When the Girl Just Wants to Be Friends? Here is Something Every Man Must Know!

It's a place no guy wants to be in...Not only can it be extremely depressing but often embarrassing as well. You see when the girl just wants to be friends she is more or less telling you that you have not amused her to the extent where she can consider you as a potential mate or you are just not the kind she would think about dating.
You see this is a situation no guy ever wants to be in but at the same time you must know how to get out of it as soon as possible before it becomes permanent. Read on to discover some of the most important facts you must know on this subject before it's too late for you...

Stop acting like a friend slowly- If she just wants to be friends you should stop acting like friends after a while. You see when you keep doing what she expects from would remain in this deadly friend's zone. This is the main reason why instead of being stuck here you should start cutting out contact with her slowly instead of hanging around her like a friend.

How to Make a Woman Like You - Deep Female Psychology Secrets You Must Know

Fact: attraction is NOT a choice. A woman might either like or dislike you - but she does NOT have control over how she feels for you. Why is this interesting?
It means that as long as you understand female psychology and then correspondingly ALTER your personality, she will not be able to help it but to fall for you. Read on to discover the deep female psychology secrets that you must know that you can use to make ANY woman fall in love...

How To Make A Girl Like You - Three Methods Using Female Psychology Tactics

Method 1. Setting Your Standards. All relationships are based on 'value perception'. You have to set yourself up as the person with high value early on in the interaction. Women naturally like men who have high standards and be the leader.

Method 2. Get Her Into YOUR Reality. She is merely the guest in your reality. In other words, set your own rules, and EXPECT her to abide by them. She should be the one who pleases you instead of the other way round. By imposing this 'frame' on her, she will show high levels of compliance.

Method 3. The 'Covert' Tactic of Fractionation. Lifted from the field of hypnosis, a man is able to generate high levels of sexual attraction in a woman by using this technique called 'fractionation'. To put it simply, it is a technique used to bring a woman through an emotional rollercoaster in a conversation. It has been reputed to be able to make a woman get 'addicted' to a man in as little as 14 minutes.

Fractionation is considered as a 'dark art' tactic which is the basis of hypnosis-based seduction, and while controversial, it is known to be one of the most effective tactics ever invented by underground seductionists. It is described in a step-by-step system in the Deadly Seduction Manuscript (

This is considered as a 'dark art' tactic which is the basis of hypnosis-based seduction, and while controversial, it is known to be one of the most effective tactics ever invented by underground seductionists. Using it to seduce women might just be one of the easiest things that you could do.

These psychology tactics are highly unconventional techniques that are used by the secret elite in the seduction community. Use at your own risk. I personally vouch for the effectiveness of these tactics, but care must be taken as they could be outright dangerous in the hands of the unscrupulous.

But if you're ready to get girls without breaking a sweat, then do this. Click on this link for an easy step-by-step system that will get you instant attraction to any girl you meet, guaranteed, and for free: Deadly

Women Approaching Men - 5 Secrets For Getting Women to Notice You and Make the First Move

Here's a question I get all the time: "Hey Scot, how do I know when a woman is interested in me? And how can I get women to approach me first?"

Okay, that's actually two questions. But you get the point.

Well, we all know that women are typically subtle creatures. They aren't often going to come whack you upside the melon with a 2×4 and announce, "Hey stoopid...I'm into you."

On second thought, maybe in certain parts of Brooklyn and/or Queens that could happen. And having gone to school in downtown Filthydelphia, I might have to make an exception there also.

But I digress.

Even though most guys habitually miss women's subtle indicators of interest, all is not lost. In fact, this post is dedicated to lazy guys everywhere who want to hit the "easy button" and bypass all of the Chick Whispering altogether.

Here, at long last, are five bona fide ways you can get women to approach you for a change.

1. Be A Bartender Or Waiter

So you want to get your bar/club game in order? Try working at one. I might even include "bouncer" on the "A list" of must-have jobs. Then again, if AFC's persist in buying the hottest women drinks, then that would obviate my point. Let's put you behind the bar and hope for the best anyway. After all, some hottie somewhere has got to be buying her own, right?

On second thought, why not just be a waiter? Go sling hash at Red Lobster and serve Sailor's Platters all day to cuties. And businessmen on their lunch break.

Here's a better idea, work in the kitchen. That way the waitresses have to approach you constantly...all shift long.

Let's get on with it...

2. Take Your Dog To The Park

Ingredients: One dalmatian. One red scarf. One frisbee. Combine into one local park and mix thoroughly. Now that's a recipe for getting mobbed by women if I've ever seen one.

No dalmatian? A Labrador, Shetland Sheepdog or Australian Shepherd should do. Or just take a Chihuahua and stand there holding it until someone wants to pet it.

And if all else fails, at least you aren't going home alone...right?
3. Work At The Mall
What do women love more than anything? Shopping, of course. And where are the most shops to do such shopping located? You guessed it...the mall.

Don't even think about working at Champs or some other guy store, though.

And don't get your logic crossed up and go work at Fashion Bug or something either. Only completely style-free women shop there.

And it's not like you can go to Petite Sophisticate and get a job either. That's just flat-out creepy.

What you need to do is be the guy standing in the food court handing out Chick-Fil-A. Hot women love Chick-Fil-A. And Orange Juliuses too. I guess. Nah, stick with Chick-Fil-A. The name says it all.

Never mind the fact that you're only getting minimum wage for your trouble. This is about scoring the babes.
4. Babysit Your Niece And Go Public

First, get an older sister or brother. Next, make them have a kid or two. Then, get the kid to grow up so she (preferably) is potty-trained.

From there, you've got about 18-24 months to get to babysittin'.

Dress the cute little girl up and take her where women tend to hang out. Like Chick-Fil-A.

I got mobbed by the Dallas Cowboy Cheerleaders at ELP airport one day with this strategy. Except the kid happened to be my daughter. And I was married to the kids Mom. So no "digits". Bummer.
5. Wear A Red Shirt To Target

Now, let me be forthright. I don't have a lot of red shirts. After all, red means "stop".

Nonetheless, one day I happened to "hit the Target" wearing one of those red shirts.

If you haven't figured out the significance of this section yet, people who work at Target wear red shirts. And it's not even like they have standard, company-issue uni or anything. They just wear some red shirt they dug out of the closet...or some freshman football player's locker.

This means that if the planets are aligned and you happen to drop in the local Target with a red shirt on, you're fittin' to get mobbed. By beautiful women. And by old guys who can't find the Metamucil.

But the point is, they're approaching you.

OK, by now you've probably figured out that this is a semi-serious post, at best.

With all the time we spend around here talking about "manning up", my role as a dating coach to men is always going to be to encourage guys to do the approaching. I can't really expect you to sit here and listen to me blather on about "women approaching you" with a straight face.

After all, if you're waiting around for women to approach you, you might wait a long time. Even if you take the list I gave above seriously, you've got to admit there are some "surgical procedures" involved. You've got to be in the right place at the right time under the right circumstances.

So why not avoid the hassle altogether and go talk to some women? Make the first move. Be proactive. It feels better than wearing a red shirt to Target.

How to Make a Hot Girl Fall For You - Be the Alpha Male That Women Want

If you guys want the to know the secret that attracts hot women like a magnet, then I hope this article can help. Let's face it guys, you want to do better at the whole "pick-up" game. You can increase your chances of taking a woman home if you know what attracts hot women to men. Understanding this is the key.

The good news is that the research has already been done for you. The masters of picking up girls have done the hard work into figuring out this secret. They know what works and what doesn't. Don't waste all the time I have wasted trying to sort this information out on my own. Do what has already been proven to work. Follow their lead and change your life for the better!

A woman's attraction works so much differently than men. I'm sure right now you are saying "duh!" But it really runs deeper than you may have even considered. Women are attracted based upon what their mind says, not necessarily what they are attracted to physically. This means that no matter what you look like you can get a girl to want to you. They will look past all the physical things if you appeal to their mind and use the right triggers.

Do you want to take hot women home the same night that you meet them at a bar? Do you want to have women magnetically attracted to you? Are you ready to become the alpha male that all women desire?